Husband went on a short trip and I was home alone with rayyan...we were missing baba badly so decided to party! ;) Watched animated movies, ate pizza & lots of mama bubba fun! :)
Late at night DH was returning and I thought why not give him a small surprise, for a change. We are usually not into giving surprises to each other. Usually if we want to give something we ask one another and give it. First thing that came to my mind was cooking his favourite food, then i thought of ordering a cake but few friends suggested why not bake at home, it would give a more personal touch!
Next the decorating part...Sadly you dont find lot of fun decorating stuff (easily) in Riyadh. On top of it, I was short of time. Now what to do? I had few candles, some colored paper and confetti...thought of giving it a go and came up with a small homely decoration.
Didn't have to work very hard because my sitting area is red, black & gold.
Red ribbons, gold confetti, candles and viola!
Cooked his favourite food & baked a batch of red velvet cupcakes with cream cheese frosting.
Why not give your partner a small surprise soon? Without any reason or special occasion is even better! ;)
Stay tuned for the recipe of the cupcakes. Will be blogging very soon.
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