30th May, 2008;
My third trimester....the 7th month and precisely 27 weeks finally started...!
Iam getting bigger and fatter! Already gained 12 kilos...!
Anyhooo, the good bits are...I started shopppiiiing...yaayyy!
Nothing big just small things like onesies and a few booties, though I couldn't take my eyes off the nurseries in mothercare and babies'R'us...but still waiting to get the big stuff. There's just so much out there too many brands, too many colors, too much confusion!
Baby is fine Alhamdulilah...at times he is slow at times movements are frequent but overall good kicking masha Allah!
Baby is fine Alhamdulilah...at times he is slow at times movements are frequent but overall good kicking masha Allah!
And growth wise my baby is the size of a cauliflower now, almost 2 pounds in weight and 14.5 inches long.
Can't wait for my next appointment because Iam going to have the blood sugar test and Iam kind of scared because diabetes runs in my family and so far I have managed to avoid it ... but now with all the weight gain am really worried... I have heard really scary stories about pregnancy and gestational diabetes...Anyhow keeping my fingers crossed.
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