Our weekend in the desert has started. After a very busy trip to Dubai and a hectic week of parties (thanks to all dear friends for the yummy breakfasts and lunches!)
Iam planning to just rest. Had a late breakfast (cinnabons-to be precise-I know bad! bad!). Watched a movie while Rayyan made a mess of his room. The room is full of cars and crayons. I am not even going there! It is "only sit back & relax" day for me. Just the other day cleaned up the whole place and got hold of stuff I didn't even know were in the house. Note to self- no more shopping for mama...(ahem!ahem!)
Lots of stuff lined up including my first Travel Post (the only time I get to type in peace is 12am....sigh!) and few recipes. Soon, Soon.
Hope all of you have a great day with your families, friends & loved ones.
kashmiri chai
i love tea so much for evening time.
kashmiri tea amassing tea ….i am not try it …..but i discuss a lot…..
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